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Stay informed on the latest trends and developments in family law with expert analysis, practical tips, and valuable resources to help you navigate the complexities of divorce, custody, and support issues. Whether you're seeking guidance or simply staying updated, our insights are designed to empower you with knowledge and clarity during challenging times.

Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

Getting your Family Law Case Ready for Trial

This guide should be used at the start of a case. In fact, we try to make it a practice to start our mandatory settlement conference briefs, which may need to be converted to trial briefs, on day one of a divorce or paternity case. Next, for every day of trial expect at least 2-3 days of preparation time. If your trial is set for four days, expect at least 12 full days of preparation time. Why? Discovery must be propounded such as subpoenas, demand for production of documents and special interrogatories to secure documents needed to prove your matter at trial.

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Co-Parenting Ashley Andrews Co-Parenting Ashley Andrews

Co-Parenting During the Holidays

I remember my first year of practicing family law; things like holiday schedules were immensely perplexing for me. For example, I had one case where the parents could not agree on how to share the child’s birthday. We appeared at a contested hearing over the birthday. I was shocked that something that caused the parents so much consternation could be resolved in one minute by the Judge who ruled: “Whoever has the child on his birthday celebrates with him. The other parent can hold a separate birthday party for the child during his or her parenting time. Guess how happy he will be to have two birthday parties? So ordered.” Done. There it is – two birthday parties.

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

California is a 50/50 state: What that means and how to get around it

When it comes to divorce, California is a 50/50 state. That means that if two spouses are separating, they will typically each get half of the property and assets they acquired during the marriage with some exceptions. If you are considering a divorce in California, you may be wondering what this 50/50 split means for you and how you can get around it. In this blog post, we’ll explain what it means to be a 50/50 state, the implications it has for your divorce, and some tips for getting around this policy.

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Dissolution of Marriage Ashley Andrews Dissolution of Marriage Ashley Andrews

How Long it Usually Takes for the Dissolution of a Marriage in California

California is a great place to get married, but unfortunately, it's also a state where marriage dissolutions are commonplace. If you're considering filing for dissolution of marriage in California, you may be wondering how long it takes to dissolve a marriage. This blog post will provide an overview of the process and explain how long it typically takes for a marriage to be dissolved in the state of California. We'll discuss the various steps involved in the dissolution of the marriage process and the estimated timeframe for completion. With this information, you can better plan for your future and understand what to expect during the dissolution process.

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Child Custody Ashley Andrews Child Custody Ashley Andrews

Child Custody Law in California: 3 Things You Need to Know

Understanding the child custody law in California can be overwhelming and confusing. Whether you are a parent, family member, or a professional navigating the legal system, it is important to understand the three key components of child custody law in California. Having a basic understanding of these three factors can help you make informed decisions about your child’s future and protect their rights. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the three most important aspects of child custody law in California that you need to know.

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

How to Ask for a Divorce in the Best Way Possible

Asking for a divorce is one of the most difficult conversations you can have with your partner. It is a life-changing decision that requires thoughtfulness and understanding. Divorce is never an easy conversation to have, but it can be done in a way that is respectful and respectful of both parties involved. In this blog post, we will discuss how to ask for a divorce in the best way possible, so that the process can be easier for everyone involved.

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

Dealing With an Unpredictable Partner During Divorce: Tips From Top Divorce Attorneys

Divorce can be an emotionally and mentally draining process, especially when one partner is unpredictable and difficult to reason with. To make matters worse, it’s often hard to get advice on the best way to handle a challenging partner. Thankfully, divorce attorneys and mediators are here to help. Through their years of experience, top divorce attorneys and mediators have identified some of the best ways to reason with an unstable partner during divorce.

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Child Custody Ashley Andrews Child Custody Ashley Andrews

How to Deal With an Unstable Partner When Going Through Child Custody Court

Going through a divorce can be a tumultuous and emotionally draining experience. The process becomes even more complicated when children are involved, and you're faced with the challenge of negotiating child custody with an unstable partner. The prospect of having to battle it out in court can be daunting, especially when you just want to see your kids and ensure their well-being.

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Co-Parenting, Divorce Ashley Andrews Co-Parenting, Divorce Ashley Andrews

Top 5 Benefits to Co-Parenting: How to Work as a Team When Going Through a Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy, especially when children are involved. For many parents, the idea of not being able to see their kids as often as they used to can be heartbreaking. However, there is a solution to this issue: co-parenting. Co-parenting is a method in which both parents actively participate in raising their children even after their divorce.

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Divorce, Family Law Ashley Andrews Divorce, Family Law Ashley Andrews

More Grounds for Full Custody: What a Parent Needs to Know

Are you a parent in the midst of a child custody dispute? If so, you may be wondering what grounds can be used to support your case for full custody of your children. It is essential to understand the legal standards and various factors that come into play when the court is determining what type of custody arrangement is in the best interest of the child or children involved. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the grounds for full custody and what a parent needs to know.

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Family Law, Child Custody Ashley Andrews Family Law, Child Custody Ashley Andrews

Family Code Section 3044 Presumption in Child Custody Determination

In California, Family Code Section 3044 creates a presumption that it is not in the best interests of the child for a parent who has committed domestic violence to have sole or joint legal or physical custody of the child. This means that if a parent has been found to have committed domestic violence against the other parent or against the child, the court will start with the assumption that the parent who committed the violence should not have custody of the child.

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Child Custody, Paternity Ashley Andrews Child Custody, Paternity Ashley Andrews

Grounds for Full Custody: What a Father Should Know

Going through a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process. One of the most crucial aspects for parents during this time is determining child custody arrangements. For fathers, understanding the grounds for full custody can be essential in protecting their parental rights and ensuring their child's best interests. This article will provide valuable insights into child custody, the role of a child custody attorney, and how hard it is for a father to get full custody in California. We will also discuss why a father should pursue full custody and the factors considered by the court in such cases.

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

Why Be Financially Prepared for Divorce?

A divorce may be the most detrimental event of your life. It may also be the most liberating and empowering. Either way, you need to be financially prepared. Here are a list of common questions I get about preparing for your divorce as well as my response, which I hope you find helpful.

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Paternity Ashley Andrews Paternity Ashley Andrews

What is Paternity in California?

Establishing paternity in California is an important legal step for unmarried parents who want to secure the rights and responsibilities of both the father and the child. In this article, we'll explore the process of establishing paternity in California and what you need to do to ensure your child's future is protected.

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Child Custody Ashley Andrews Child Custody Ashley Andrews

Supervised Visitation in California: What You Need to Know

Are you curious about supervised visitation in California? If so, you're not alone. Supervised visitation is a process that many courts use to keep parents and children safe, especially when there are concerns about potential abuse or neglect. In this blog post, we'll discuss what supervised visitation is, how it works in California, and what you can do to protect yourself and your children if it's ordered by a court. Keep reading to learn more about supervised visitation in California.

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