The Impact of Paternity on Child Development: What Dads Need to Know

In the United States, there are many types of families. While there are many married couples working together to raise their children, there are many single parents as well. Most of these are single mothers. In fact, there are roughly five times as many single moms as there are single dads. In 2023, there were 15.09 million children living with a single mother. Just 3.05 million children were living with a single father.

A child may not have a father in their life for many reasons. Perhaps their father passed away. Maybe they are in jail. Perhaps he is abusive or neglectful. Sometimes, men are not ready for the responsibility of fatherhood. They may get a woman pregnant and take off in fear. 

But when men embrace the role of fatherhood, it has benefits for them and their children. Some of these benefits of paternity include:

  • Sense of purpose. Fatherhood often provides a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment as you nurture and guide your child.

  • Unconditional love. The bond between a father and child is uniquely rewarding, offering moments of joy and connection.

  • Personal growth. Parenting can help you develop patience, empathy, resilience, and problem-solving skills.

  • Strengthened relationships: Many fathers find that parenting brings them closer to their partner as they navigate shared responsibilities.

  • Stronger family bonds: Building memories and traditions with your children strengthens the family unit.

  • Legacy and Impact: Teaching values and life lessons provide a sense of leaving a meaningful legacy.

  • Healthier lifestyle choices. Many fathers adopt healthier habits to set a good example for their children. These habits may include exercising more, eating better, or reducing risky behaviors.

  • Continued learning. Raising a child often means learning new things, from practical skills to staying curious about the world as you see it through your child’s eyes.

  • Improved communication skills. Interacting with children helps develop patience and clear communication, skills that can extend to other areas of life.

While mothers are awesome, fathers make a difference too. Children benefit when their fathers are active in their lives and emotionally engaged with them. When fathers are not present, it causes devastating effects on their children’s lives. Numerous studies have shown that children without fathers present in the home suffer greatly. Even before a child is born, the father’s attitudes regarding the pregnancy and the relationship with the mother may increase the risk for adverse birth outcomes.

Many people admit that they have struggled with various issues due to the lack of a father’s love in their lives. Abandonment and low self-esteem are common. Some people have turned to alcohol, drugs, sex, and other destructive behaviors to numb the pain.

What to Know About Father Engagement

Fathers make a huge impact in a person’s life. Here are some things to know:

  • Infants can be equally attached to mothers and fathers. When both parents are involved with the child, infants become attached to both parents.

  • Father involvement is linked to positive health outcomes, even in infants, such as improved weight gain and breastfeeding.

  • Father involvement using authoritative parenting with clear boundaries and expectations leads to better emotional, academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for children.

  • Children who feel a closeness to their father are much more likely to go to college or find stable employment after high school. They are also 75% less likely to have a teen birth and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.

  • The quality of the father-child relationship is more important than the specific amount of hours spent together. 

  • High levels of father involvement result in high levels of sociability, confidence, and self-control in children. These children are less likely to act out in school.

  • Children with actively involved fathers are 43% more likely to earn As in school.

  • Father engagement reduces delinquency and economic disadvantage in low-income families.

  • Father engagement reduces depression and other psychological problems in young women.

Results of Father's Absence

Having an absent father in their lives hurts children in many ways. Here are some of the outcomes:

  • Poor self-esteem and lack of security. Children consistently report feeling abandoned when their fathers are not involved in their lives. Many struggle with self-loathing.

  • Behavioral problems. Fatherless children have more difficulties with social adjustment and are more likely to have behavioral problems.

  • Poor academic performance. More than 70% of high school dropouts are fatherless. These children have more trouble academically. They are also more likely to be truant from school.

  • Delinquency and youth crime. Approximately 85% of youth in prison have an absent father.

  • Promiscuity and teen pregnancy. Fatherless children are more likely to experience problems with sexual health. They are much more likely to have intercourse before the age of 16, become teenage parents, and contract sexually transmitted infections. Girls, in particular, are susceptible to exploitation by adult men due to not having a father figure in their lives.

  • Drug and alcohol abuse. Fatherless children are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and abuse drugs starting in childhood.

  • Exploitation and abuse. Fatherless children are at greater risk of suffering physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The abuse can happen at a very young age. Studies show that preschoolers not living with both of their biological parents are 40 times more likely to be sexually abused.

  • Physical health problems. Fatherless children report high levels of asthma, headaches, and stomach aches.

  • Mental health disorders. Children with absent fathers are more likely to have mental health problems, particularly anxiety, depression, and suicide.

Contact Us Today

Having a child is a life-changing experience. Mothers are often the ones who are most involved with their children, so fathers need to step up and spend time with their children. There are benefits for all involved. 

Ashley A. Andrews, APC, is an experienced attorney who can help you get the most out of your child custody so you can build a bond with your child. We can help you understand paternity and the responsibilities involved. Schedule a consultation today by calling (626) 346-0114 or filling out the online form.

This material is provided for educational purposes only. Providing this information does not establish an attorney/client relationship. None of the information contained in this post should be acted upon without first consulting with an experienced family law mediator and attorney. Should you have questions about the content of this post, please arrange to discuss via a consultation.


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