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Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

5 Reasons Why You Might Need a Family Attorney

When it comes to family law issues, it is always best to seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney. The attorneys at Ashley A. Andrews, APC have a combined 30 years of experience with a Certified Family Law Specialist on staff and an in-house forensic accountant.

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Child Custody Ashley Andrews Child Custody Ashley Andrews

Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one parent intentionally displays to the child unjustified negativity aimed at the other parent. The purpose of this strategy is to damage the child's relationship with the other parent and to turn the child's emotions against that other parent. Parental alienation can take many forms.

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Child Support Ashley Andrews Child Support Ashley Andrews

Income Available for Support and Loan Principal Payments

I am prefacing this post with the disclaimer that divorce cases with these issues are complex. One can expect rounds of discovery including depositions and the need to retain forensic accountants. Why, you ask? Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. This is where you need to make certain that the family law attorney you hire is not only experienced with forensic accountants and has a working relationship with a good one; but also will not gouge you with attorney's fees and costs in this complex analysis.

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Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

Would You Like to Buy a Vowel?

If you as a self-representing litigant or represented and your attorney or the other side set your family law matter for a Trial Readiness Conference, Status Conference, Mandatory Settlement Conference or Trial Setting Conference, the logical next question is "what is next?" Here is a road map in Los Angeles County because the answer to this question is every lawyer's favorite: "it depends," and the answer really does.

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Spousal Support, Divorce Ashley Andrews Spousal Support, Divorce Ashley Andrews

Retirement Age, Spousal Support Documents – Common Issues in a “Grey” Divorce

The terms “grey divorce,” “silver splitter” or “diamond divorcees” are terms used to refer to a demographic trend of an increasing divorce rate for older couples in long-lasting marriages. These particular types of divorce cases have their own particular types of issues. Marriage of McLain (2017) 7 Cal.App.5th 262 highlights just such issues.

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

Path of a Divorce Case

How long will my case take? This process is confusing. Why am I doing all of this work up front? Common questions I hear from family law clients and rightly so. Dissolving a marriage does sometimes take longer than all of us would like. The process does feel confusing because so many things are happening at once and need to happen at once. Doing work up front means preparation for settlement or trial and swifter preparation for settlement or trial means drafting and entering a judgment more quickly. To help my visual learners out there, I prepared a decision tree of sorts to show the steps in a divorce case. Let’s discuss them.

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Child Custody Ashley Andrews Child Custody Ashley Andrews

Preventative Law – Legal Custody

Legal custody is essentially the right and responsibility of making decisions regarding a child’s health, education and welfare. Sometimes, failure to agree on legal custody issues during a marriage or relationship may lead to the end of that marriage or relationship. So, it makes sense to have the hard and challenging discussion about legal custody issues before getting married and certainly before having children.

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Divorce, Child Custody, Family Law Ashley Andrews Divorce, Child Custody, Family Law Ashley Andrews

"But I Was Told I Can't Leave the House"

Potential family law clients in California will invariably recite during the initial consultation that they were told by a friend, neighbor, estate planning attorney…etc. that they cannot move out of the family home before or during their divorce or paternity case. The reasons given are a range of their ownership interest in the house will be forfeited (not true, not California law), they will be viewed as abandoning their house and face legal consequences (not true, not California Law), they will be viewed as abandoning their family and lose parenting time if child custody is an issue (not true, not California Law).The truth is, you can and probably should leave the family home in most situations.

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Spousal Support, Child Support Ashley Andrews Spousal Support, Child Support Ashley Andrews

Continuous Cash Gifts and the Williamson/Butterfly Effect on Spousal and Child Support

Continuous cash gifts from the parents of a spouse to that spouse or from the parents of a co-parent to that co-parent are magical. The cash gifts keep coming month after month with regularity and then, enter a family law action, they suddenly disappear like a butterfly with no promise to return. Were the cash gifts swept off in a breeze? Were they here for a few months? Or, did a parent get a deposition subpoena, lawyer up and decide to stop making the cash gifts?

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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

Tracing 3.0

On appeal, wife challenges the trial court’s characterization of a majority of the cash and securities held in commingled accounts as husband’s separate property.Specifically, wife attacks a detailed tracing analysis performed by husband’s expert witness, upon which the trial court relied. The Court of Appeal concluded that the tracing is valid and constituted substantial evidence in support of the judgment. (Ciprari, supra, 32 Cal.App.5th at p. 89.)

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Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

Party of One – Privacy: A Must Read for Everyone Who Uses a Phone

In Smith v. LoanMe, Inc. (2019) Super.Ct.No.RIC1612501, I am not impressed with the facts of the case; but, I am impressed with the reasoning and the conclusion. Jeremiah Smith filed a class action complaint against LoanMe, Inc. (LoanMe), alleging that LoanMe violated the California Invasion of Privacy Act (Privacy Act). Specifically, California Penal Code section 630, et seq. Smith alleged that LoanMe violated California Penal Code section 632.7 by recording a phone call with Smith without his consent while he was using a cordless telephone, and he claimed that a “beep tone” at the beginning of the call did not constitute sufficient notice that LoanMe was recording the call. (Id. at p.1)

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Spousal Support Ashley Andrews Spousal Support Ashley Andrews

Spousal Support and Prophecy

In In re Marriage of Andreen (1978) 76 Cal. App.3d 667, 673 the Court of Appeal gave one of my top favorite lines in a family law case: “It is much more realistic (and at least fair) to appraise the parties’ 1979 situation by measure of actual rather than prophesied 1979 facts.” The Court of Appeal was referencing the trial court’s decision to award $500 per month in spousal support to wife with an automatic reduction to $1 per month at the end of five years and automatic termination of spousal support at the end of ten years.

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Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

Family Law and the Constitution - Not Mutually Exclusive

So often I tell people what area of law I practice, and I am met with rolled eyes, groans or comments such as family law is “just forms.” In my opinion, family law is the most difficult area of law to practice because it encompasses all areas; and, it is certainly more than “just forms.” Here is an example of a case illustrating family law’s complexity and highlighting our right to freedom of speech.

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Family Law Ashley Andrews Family Law Ashley Andrews

Dealing With the Difficult Lawyer

I had the good fortune, and open mind, to stumble across a book published in 1991 and entitled American Bar Association Section of Family Law Ultimate Trial Notebook I. This book is truly an oldie and a goodie. Robert B. Moriarty, Esq., a family law attorney in New York at the time of publishing of this book, contributed an article entitled “The Family Law Negotiator: Successful Divorce and Family Law Settlements.” I had to tap the intellectual archives of second grade to remember how to cite to a source other than a case or statute, but, in an effort to avoid plagiarizing, I think I covered myself.

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