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Child Custody Law in California: 3 Things You Need to Know
Understanding the child custody law in California can be overwhelming and confusing. Whether you are a parent, family member, or a professional navigating the legal system, it is important to understand the three key components of child custody law in California. Having a basic understanding of these three factors can help you make informed decisions about your child’s future and protect their rights. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the three most important aspects of child custody law in California that you need to know.
How to Deal With an Unstable Partner When Going Through Child Custody Court
Going through a divorce can be a tumultuous and emotionally draining experience. The process becomes even more complicated when children are involved, and you're faced with the challenge of negotiating child custody with an unstable partner. The prospect of having to battle it out in court can be daunting, especially when you just want to see your kids and ensure their well-being.
Joint Custody: What You Need to Know - the Ins and Outs of a Common Custody Arrangement
Are you going through a divorce and worried about how it will affect your ability to see your kids? Discover the benefits of joint custody and how a child custody lawyer can help.
The 5 Best Ways to See Your Kids While Going Through a Divorce
Going through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging time for anyone, especially when children are involved. One of the most pressing concerns for parents is how to maintain a strong relationship with their children while navigating the complexities of a divorce.
Family Code Section 3044 Presumption in Child Custody Determination
In California, Family Code Section 3044 creates a presumption that it is not in the best interests of the child for a parent who has committed domestic violence to have sole or joint legal or physical custody of the child. This means that if a parent has been found to have committed domestic violence against the other parent or against the child, the court will start with the assumption that the parent who committed the violence should not have custody of the child.
Grounds for Full Custody: What a Father Should Know
Going through a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process. One of the most crucial aspects for parents during this time is determining child custody arrangements. For fathers, understanding the grounds for full custody can be essential in protecting their parental rights and ensuring their child's best interests. This article will provide valuable insights into child custody, the role of a child custody attorney, and how hard it is for a father to get full custody in California. We will also discuss why a father should pursue full custody and the factors considered by the court in such cases.
Supervised Visitation in California: What You Need to Know
Are you curious about supervised visitation in California? If so, you're not alone. Supervised visitation is a process that many courts use to keep parents and children safe, especially when there are concerns about potential abuse or neglect. In this blog post, we'll discuss what supervised visitation is, how it works in California, and what you can do to protect yourself and your children if it's ordered by a court. Keep reading to learn more about supervised visitation in California.
The Basics of Visitation Rights: Answers for Parents Who Have Been Denied Child Custody
Visitation rights are an important part of being a parent, whether or not you have been granted full custody of your child. If you have been denied child custody, you may be wondering what your rights are when it comes to visiting your child. In this blog post, we'll cover the basics of visitation rights and answer some common questions for parents who have been denied child custody.
How 50/50 Custody Works in California (And Why It's the Best Arrangement for Kids)
50/50 custody arrangements are becoming increasingly common in California, providing an equitable arrangement for children to spend time with both parents. In this post, we'll discuss the basics of how 50/50 custody works in California, including how it's determined and the benefits it can provide to both parents and children. We'll also explain why 50/50 custody is often seen as the best arrangement for children, providing stability, security, and emotional support from both parents. Read on to learn more about 50/50 custody in California.
Parental Alienation
Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one parent intentionally displays to the child unjustified negativity aimed at the other parent. The purpose of this strategy is to damage the child's relationship with the other parent and to turn the child's emotions against that other parent. Parental alienation can take many forms.
Preventative Law – Legal Custody
Legal custody is essentially the right and responsibility of making decisions regarding a child’s health, education and welfare. Sometimes, failure to agree on legal custody issues during a marriage or relationship may lead to the end of that marriage or relationship. So, it makes sense to have the hard and challenging discussion about legal custody issues before getting married and certainly before having children.
"But I Was Told I Can't Leave the House"
Potential family law clients in California will invariably recite during the initial consultation that they were told by a friend, neighbor, estate planning attorney…etc. that they cannot move out of the family home before or during their divorce or paternity case. The reasons given are a range of their ownership interest in the house will be forfeited (not true, not California law), they will be viewed as abandoning their house and face legal consequences (not true, not California Law), they will be viewed as abandoning their family and lose parenting time if child custody is an issue (not true, not California Law).The truth is, you can and probably should leave the family home in most situations.
Child Custody - A Powerful Case Showing the Power of the Family Law Judge
Bitter custody battles and malicious, atrocious and unfounded accusations are common in child custody cases. Declarations are written with spite, malice and outright disregard for the sanctity of preserving and protecting a normal childhood all in an attempt to punish the other parent for wrongs real and imagined. The only people punished by such behavior are the children. But these battles and accusations all set forth in declarations and made a part of the public record are not without consequence beyond what one would normally expect. Parents should take heed before embarking on such a path.
"From Conflict to Agreement” – A Parenting Video
Not surprisingly, my favorite court has released an outstanding video giving parents in family law matters tools they can use to reduce their conflict and optimize child-focused resolution to their child custody disputes. Here are some reasons why I like this video and some issues addressed that I think are important.
A Case for Three Parents
A few years ago, I was appearing before a local family law judge. After this judge called his calendar, he then shared with the attorneys, their clients and everyone else in the court room some recent updates in the law. He also shared that he spent the weekend on his hands and knees in his chambers with post it notes, pens and a large calendar putting together a parenting plan for three parents and their children.
Child Custody - Information Needed
If you have met with a family law attorney, have minor children and will likely need Court orders to determine custody and a parenting schedule, then please be prepared to provide the following information. This information will be used to help the Court understand why the custody and parenting schedule you are requesting is in the best interests of your minor children. Although you should always run this past your family law attorney, it may be immensely helpful if you copied and pasted the information below into the computer format of your choice {Word, e-mail. .. etc.), completed the information and then sent it to your family law attorney to be incorporated into documents for the Court.
Child Custody at 30,000 Feet
The majority of family law clients reflexively state "full custody" or "50/50" when the topic of child custody arises in their family law matters. Family law attorneys then spend a good portion of time talking about the different types of custody and what is best for their client's children because "full custody" or "50/50" may or may not be appropriate.