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Child Support and Cash Gifts
Child Support in California: How It Works
If you are a parent in the state of California, understanding the basics of how child support is determined is important. The state of California provides guidelines for parents to follow when it comes to calculating and providing support for their children. In this blog post, we will discuss how child support is determined in the state of California and the factors that are taken into consideration. We will also provide an overview of the different methods for calculating child support and the resources available to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities.
Income Available for Support and Loan Principal Payments
I am prefacing this post with the disclaimer that divorce cases with these issues are complex. One can expect rounds of discovery including depositions and the need to retain forensic accountants. Why, you ask? Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. This is where you need to make certain that the family law attorney you hire is not only experienced with forensic accountants and has a working relationship with a good one; but also will not gouge you with attorney's fees and costs in this complex analysis.
Wage Garnishment is Not a Swift Process, So Take a Seat
Garnishing wages is not as easy as some think. This is a good thing, because we want obstacles before this process is put in place. Once it is in place, it takes time to remove a garnishment order, which is why some obstacles are good. Here are the basics of the process.
Continuous Cash Gifts and the Williamson/Butterfly Effect on Spousal and Child Support
Continuous cash gifts from the parents of a spouse to that spouse or from the parents of a co-parent to that co-parent are magical. The cash gifts keep coming month after month with regularity and then, enter a family law action, they suddenly disappear like a butterfly with no promise to return. Were the cash gifts swept off in a breeze? Were they here for a few months? Or, did a parent get a deposition subpoena, lawyer up and decide to stop making the cash gifts?
Dead Animals and Trash - An Ode to Imputation of Income
I use the term “ode” loosely here as this is obviously not a poem. But, a highlight of a legal reality. Welcome to imputation of income; the ability of a Court to determine that a party can earn a certain amount of money each month, thus, reducing and/or eliminating child and spousal support payments.