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Divorce Ashley Andrews Divorce Ashley Andrews

Three Step Divorce Process

A divorce is really a three step process: (1) initiate, (2) value and (3) settle/set matters for trial. In theory, it should not take longer than a few weeks to resolve all issues in a divorce case. Why divorces take longer may be because of mental illness, addictions, emotions, dishonesty and/or unethical attorneys. I have had people be honest about their income and assets and get their divorce cases done in a matter of weeks and I have had people be dishonest or bad tempered, perpetually, which drags the process out for everyone and results in too much money and time being spent. There are ways to diminish the impact of these obstacles and avoid your divorce dragging on. The solution is to strictly adhere to the three step process, be honest, stay in contact with your attorney and, if need be, set the matter for trial.

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